Hasskriminalität, Hassrede, Diskriminierung
Digitalisierung und Soziale Medien
Integration und sozio-ökonomische Ungleichheit
E-Mail: laura.dellagiacoma(at)
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Laura Dellagiacoma promoviert in Sozialpsychologie an der FSU Jena und arbeitet innerhalb des NETHATE Programmes am IDZ (zur NETHATE-Mitarbeitenden-Seite von Laura Dellagiacoma hier). In ihrem Promotionsprojekt untersucht sie den Zusammenhang zwischen Hassrede in sozialen Medien und Hasskriminalität. Laura studierte Sozialpsychologie (Community Psychology) an der Padua Universität (IT). Sie absolvierte ihre Masterarbeit an der Helsinki Universität (FI), wo Sie Forschungsassistentin im Projekt „DigiIN - Towards socially inclusive digital society” war. Bevor sie im Juni 2021 ihre Tätigkeit am IDZ begann, hat Laura Dellagiacoma als Praktikantin an der Rechte- Agentur der EU (European Agency for Fundamental Rights) gearbeitet.
Arbeitsschwerpunkte und Forschungsinteressen
Dellagiacoma, L., Fielitz, M., Jaspert, M., Klinker, F., Haldrich, S. (Hrsg.). (2024). Wissen schafft Demokratie. Schwerpunkt Netzkulturen und Plattformpolitiken, Band 14. ISSN (Online): 2512-9716
Dellagiacoma, L. (2023). Hass im Netz aus intersektionaler Perspektive. In: Institut für Demokratie und Zivilgesellschaft (Hg.). Wissen schafft Demokratie. Schwerpunkt Antifeminismus & Hasskriminalität, Band 13, Online-Ausgabe. Jena, 306–319.
Dellagiacoma, L. (2023). Hate Speech on Social Media Platforms: Evidence From the Victims’ and the Perpetrators’ Perspective. In: „Religion, Hateful Expression & Violence“, M. Bergsmo & K. Manocha (eds). Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2023
Presentation "The Empirical Links between Hate Speech Online & Hate Crime: a Systematic Review" at the International Society for Political Psychology (ISPP) Annual Meeting in Montreal (Canada) - Session 45: Hate Crime, Human Rights and Victimization (10/07/2023)
Presentation on an intersectional perspective on online hate speech "Hass im Netz: eine intersektionale Perspektive" at the conference „Antifeminismus und Hasskriminalität“ of the FGZ-sub-institute Jena (IDZ) (11/11/2022)
Presentation "The empirical links between online hate speech and hate crime: a systematic literature review " at the 26th Workshop on Aggression, organised by the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (11/11/2022)
Presentation "Intersectional Analyses on the Exposure and Impact of Online Hate Speech" at TU Berlin, within the second part of the international workshop "Hate Speech – an Interdisciplinary Approach”, organised by the Minerva Center for the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions at the University of Haifa (19/10/2022)
Presentation „Ideological attitudes as predictors of online hate speech” at the Congress of the German Society for Psychology at the University of Hildesheim (10-15/09/2022)
Presentation “Online Hate Speech: from the effects on victims to the ideological motivations of perpetrators” as part of the Summer School of the Global-MINDS European Master in the Psychology of Global Mobility, Inclusion, and Diversity in Society of the University of Limerick thanks to the Migration and Diversity Lab (21/06/2022)
Presentation of Laura Dellagiacoma's study on ideological attitudes as predictors of online hate speech at the Aarhus ´22 Conference on Online Hostility and Bystanders at the Institute for Business and Social Sciences (09-10/06/2022)
Lecture on the extent of Hate Speech at "Hass im Netz – Ausmaß erkennen, Taten verfolgen, Prävention stärken" organized by Landesfrauenrat Thüringen and Thüringer Medienbildungszentrum der TLM in Gera (online on 24/02/2022)
"Online platforms users and the perpetration of online hate speech: the opposite effects of right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation" at the international Workshop "Hate Speech – an Interdisciplinary Approach”, organized by the Minerva Center for the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions at the University of Haifa in collaboration with Freie Universitat Berlin and Technischen Universitat Berlin (online, 17-19/01/2022)
EU - Forscherin